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Paper Fold House

The first task I was set on the CAD course was to create a small paper fold house that could be used to contain something or as some sort of packaging. I chose to create this as a net to show how it could be constructed. To create it I used some of the basic tools and features in AutoCAD 2019. Some of these are as follows:

• Line – I used this to create the basic outline of the paper fold house.
• Mirror – This was used to position the circles in the correct position.
• Trim – This was used to remove parts of the circle to make the cut-out shape.
• Measure – I used this to check some of my lines and distances to make sure everything was in the correct place.
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We were tasked to create a poster showing off a range of skills and technical drawing graphical styles that we had learnt in AutoCAD the pervious lecture. Please see the text on the poster to see what I included on it.

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Layouts and Scaled Drawings

This is a task where I created a range of templates to create technical drawings. To do this I got the standard size for A4, A3 and A2 and created boxes to the correct size for landscape and portrait. Secondly used the line tool and the offset tool to create the template. I then filled in the text box using the text tool and fields to make it as easy as possible to fill in. Finally, I scaled my poster that I created to insert into the text box.

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File Types

This week we were taught about the 3 main file types we would come across. The first one was DWG I used this file most of the time to save my unfinished work when I wasn’t exporting it of sending it to anyone. the second file type was PDF, I would make a copy of my work as a PDF when I finished my work, so it could be sent via email and uploaded if it needed to be. The final file type is FBX I used this during the game project in order to export the houses that I made in Revit into unity.

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Right, I’m going to be honest, I’m not an artist, However I was asked to do it, so I gave it a shot. For the reading week we were asked to go around the university and sketch. The picture on top left is meant to be of one of the Burma blocks, top right is meant to be of the Stripe building and on the bottom is of the sign in front of the reception.

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3D Modelling Basics

For this project we were given a sheet to work through which taught me the basics of 3D modelling in AutoCAD. The picture shows my attempt of path extrusion. I also did surface extrusion, taper extrusion, mesh modelling and more but I was unable to locate the files to grab screenshots.

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House sketches

To prepare for learning some of the fundamentals of Revit I was asked to prepare some sketches for some basic houses. During the group project I knew I needed to develop some houses for our game. I took advantage and sketched out the houses I would then implement into the game later on.

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3D Logo

For my final task of the semester I was told to create a logo for our game project that could be 3D printed. Because I did not know what quality the 3D printer could produce I went for a relatively simple design. The height of the parallel lines on the letter Hs varies as if I was to be applied to the game on a poster there would be silhouettes of our child character under the small one and one of the elderly characters under the taller one.

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The Group Project

The Objective

In this project we were asked to create a concept for an educational game that would be aimed at children aged between 11-15. We would then further develop a level of the game to a higher standard. We then presented the work we had achieved at the end of the semester.

My Role

My role in my team was to create some of the artwork for the world and also do some of the background research into mental health in kids in the specified age range. The picture shown are the houses that I came up with and then put them into the unity engine.


One of main challenges my team and I faced during the project was the fact that there was a mixture of poor communication and some misunderstand between the team and one of the team mates. The other main challenge we faced was our time managed skills as we found ourselves very pushed for time close to the end.